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Variation in moisture content over the last 10 days for the following fine dead fuels

Moisture content values in last 3 days

Moisture content of fuels on dry basis (%)

wdt_ID Nome Date Dead Leaves (Pinus pinaster) Stone Pine (Pinus pinea) Dead Leaves (Eucaliptus globulus) Gum Rockrose (Cistus ladanifer) Urze vivo (Erica umbelatta) Agulhas vivas (Pinus pinaster) Folhada viva (Eucaliptus globulus)
1.062 Eusebio 12/01/2023 11,9 16,7 8,1 60,4 0,0 56,0 0,0
1.061 Eusebio 05/01/2023 18,3 15,3 4,3 58,7 0,0 54,8 0,0
1.060 Eusebio 02/01/2023 19,4 12,2 7,8 58,1 0,0 51,4 0,0

Variation in moisture content over the last 10 days for the following fine fuels